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put and spread glue kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg This time, let's spread glue at the place that you have already spread primer. (Make sure each sheet where you want to put together.)
Whenever you use this kind of glue, rubber sheet curls up!!
You'll see this phenomenon especially on 0.3mm(1/80 inch), such a thin sheet.
As long as you are carefule not to put two sheets together,
that's no problem. So, don't lose your composure. Cool it!

One of good way is that fixing the rubber sheet with double-sided@tape on your desk.
Anyway you're going to be soon skillful and gonna only use your fingers!
standby kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg When you use this kind of glue, note that you should attach each sides after getting dry *a bit*. (about 15 minutes.)
Watch for it until then.
Let's put together kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg Put two sheets@together whare you have already put glue.
Rubber material is easy to expand as you know, so you may happen to notice about mismatched length.
Nack is *no stretch*.

To avoid mistake, marking at intervals of 5cm, is a good idea.
When you put together for long line, we can suggest that you may insert something paper like ads between those two sheets.
It will be helpful.
rolling with pressure! kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg The most imporant thing is bonding under high pressure!
What? do you like bondage? You are right.
The Bondage play is to tie ropes tightly.
That's why you feel ecstasy.
Oops.., I digressed from the main subject of rubber-cement.
Well, Using roller is the best idea.
Roll it with pressure as higher as possible.
Sounds like "Gagagaga, Gyuuuuuuu", making noise is OK.
Hey men, you need more power for many points!
Let's excersise for your body!
kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg Lastly, let's stand-by until the glue get dry completely.
You'd better still it for 24 hours. Don't touch it.
Don't move it.
You know, the cement wouldn't give full play to it's ability without keeping still.
Fini------shed! kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg It completely finished when the cement got dry at last!
We BELIEVE that we can make catsuits ourselves with this cement kit.
We made it! kwz/studio/kwz01.jpg Wheather we are gonna be able to make catsuits or not, we are really really happy now.
Whenever you/we are happy, let's express the happiness with your/out body! It must be good for your health :-)

To be continued


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